1. Your ingame nick:
2. Date/time banned:
3. Your IP:
4. Reason for ban/kick:
5. Your explanation:
1. ~>Pibo!Babi!Vodka!<~
2. later about 1 month
4. serial is banned
5. What can I tell? Last time was on the server about 1 month ago. Has played enough and next day has left in business trip on work. Houses remained children of 13-16 years. When has arrived - I look you забанены. With причной "serial is banned".
I can not confirm, what exactly the youth was played.
ip I have written the. Please, understand and take corresponding measures. For a long time I play your server.
Old nicknames: TPEHEP, Pivo! Babi! Vodka! Thanks for attention.
PS: Sorry for bad English