Nickname: PeterPanski
Real name: Marvin
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Location: Köln, Germany
Skype: krematoreo
Former clans: SHC(now they are called FFS) and just a Fun-Clan created by Ceecay and me(Cross).
Headset: Yes
Teamspeak user: Yes
SA-MP: yes, sometimes
MTA: yes
other games: justcause2, guildwars2, minecraft, battlefield3, css, world of warcraft
Why do you wanna join Ownage Owls?
I wanna join Ownage Owls because i like to play on the server and i like the other Owls.
What can you do for clan?
I´m a good player in mta. I can drive almost every car,boats and planes perfectly, cause i played a long time on a Play Server called GermanPublicServer. In Addition i can Script Html, Css and php/mysql and i have basics in Lua when its needed.