Heyo Guys, I think that would be nice to introduce myself so you can get to know me a bit better.
Well, my real name is Pablo, I live in a city called Valladolid, in Spain. Im 18 years old (I was born in 1994).
I came to Ownage Owls because Danger told me that you where looking for a LUA scripter and I really enjoy scripting for MTA. I already knew O.o servers from the past. Luckily just a few hours later after posting offering myself to script, I met Giraffen on [DDC] Cross server. It was the first time I saw some [O.o] member on DDC servers so I started to talk with him. He introduced me a bit about how is Ownage Owls community, showed me your Team Speak, servers commands, and as much as he told me about O.o I liked it even more. So I started to use Team Speak, talked with Slipknot, Giraffen and Invalidus there mainly. Well, after that I talked with Mdbelen about some scripting stuff, Im really happy since he trusted me from the first moment sharing his script with me so from now on we can work things out together. You may already know I was in [FOTL] clan till 3 - 4 days ago, there has passed a long time I was thinking about leaving, Ownage Owls gave me the final reason to leave (since probably I will be banned from DDC servers and forum after leaving, so thats why I decided to leave after knowing about O.o. So now I will still have a community, even greater) Btw Giraffen told me about the hating between FOTL and O.o. Well, honestly I never heard anything bad about O.o in FOTL. Anyways I hope you wont judge me for being in that clan
About what will I be doing here (or trying to): well, I started playing MTA 1 year ago, in this last year I learned something about lua scripting. My intention is to help to develop things and make Ownage Owls even better, working along with ToMo or Mdbelen. And of course, I came here to have some fun : D
And a little bit about my past and real life: Well I am studying Informatics (started this year), to be honest Im not really happy with it since Im really learning more by my own and I feel like I dont learn anything new in class. About my past: Well, I was completely a different guy if you compare to mne actually. Some things to mention about my past: well, I started drinking, smoking and taking some drugs with 15 years old. I stopped with drugs a year later, when my gf left me because of that (so ironic). I had few problems with police mainly because of graffiti. I used to paint trying to get my own personal style, taking example of Banksy's style. I used stencils for my work, and almost usually went with a friend. I signed it as Speed, and my friend as Shady. A summer we went to England (Bristol city, where Banksy was born btw) and went out one night with our stencils and spraypaints; making it short: we spent half night painting and the other half with police...
After making so much crazy things like that, I started to take my studyes a little more serious, stopped taking drugs and painting... And now here am I.
Some little more details about me: well, I love Dubstep music and some types of Electro / House (deadmau5), love learning everything about things I like, I smoke a packet of cigarettes a day and love hanging out with friends. Oh, and btw: If you talk with me you wont understand me probably due to my epic pronuntiation
But I swear Ill improve it
TS sessions will help I guess
And to finish: here is a picture of myself (trollfaces are friends, they might dont want to appear in hear, thats why I hided their faces
Ugly meee : D
Hope you will read all of this
But I guess you wont
See you guys : D