Nickname: Dragon22nd
Real name: Daniel kyqyk
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Location: Germany
ICQ: Yes.
Former clans:Yes
Headset: Yes
Teamspeak user: Yes
MTA: Yes
Other mod: No
Why do you wanna join Ownage Owls?
Because i play in your server for a long time.Server is very good and server has very friendly peoples and I like your clan members.I love work as a team
What can you do for clan?
If you want I can donate for clan everyday $ 5 - 10.I can do anything more for your server.I have 772 DD / DM maps and I have many scripts.
Whats your skills?
I'm pro player I have admin experience.I became an administrator in many servers and I have a server.But I love [O.o]
I can give u /push scripts,commands and many scripts.I will send you 772 DD / DM maps.
Can i be a staff now?I have 7 yes votes.