Nickname: Sepsis
Real name: Luís Felipe Rasmuss de Almeida
Age: 14
Sex: Male
Location: Campinas, Brazil
ICQ: -
AIM: -
Skype: luisfeliperasmuss (almost never use)
Former clans: Brazilian clans. I was the leader of GrV (GroOve Street) clan, co-creator of DMT (Deathmatch Triads) clan,
member of CCV (Clan Cavaleiros Vorazes -- clan, member of ne3D clan and member of SCS (Scorpions) clan.
Headset: Yes
Teamspeak user: Yes
Why do you wanna join Ownage Owls?
First, I think I have enough experience to help in

growth. Also, I play SAMP for almost 1 year, and I know Tenshi because I always play at his server PTP Protect the President. Today I've met Mdbelen in the same server, but unfortunately I didn't talked to him, but seems to be a good and powerful player. I consider myself as a good player, specially when I'm in a running duel. Well, that's it. I hope you guys accept me in your clan that also is a such good clan.