Good day to all! I have a couple of sketches about molding the server will describe them right here. The first thing I want to suggest, is to give SModer's ability to make a vote on the server (DM and DD). For what? you ask. Some time ago, was affected by the theme - "abuse". Therefore, no one would not unfounded screamed "he abuses power, pick him right," I propose to give an opportunity to activate Smoder's vote on changes in the new card with the next round, something like this should be so - "/votestart next cross Y?". As a result, there are 15 seconds in order that people could make their choice and then vote the answer will become clear whether or not to change the card or not. Of course not abusing it, but use only after SModer's feelings for that card is already repeated repeated many times and many are already sick. And here! immediately raises the question, why she bothered to many, but it choose? Because, let's say 30% are too tight "again", 25% pinch "2", another 25% click for example "6 card in the ballot" and the remaining 20% shake "1" In the end - the minority wins a majority (that is, those who wants to change the map), in this case 30% to 70%.
The second option may not all approve, but still listen please. This idea adds a little intrigue to the server. When the server is a game and kept alive such as 5 people, all who died, it is possible to bet on one of these five people. Everyone who was a fiasco, can dial "/bet nameplayer 4" - this means that people put 4 points on "nameplayer". So what happens to the rest of its four members who are still alive. For their vote and choose who and how many points to give (1 to 10). In the end points are summarized and win their horses, people get equal points divided by your bet, if they guessed the right choice.
Explained with an example game. Anyone coming to the server gets 10 points automatically. These points should appear in the "Tab" panel. Let's say out of 30 people per server, 25 fail, and living exactly 5, it is Low, Dr.Nimax, Chechenec, Tomo, Gnida. Once there were 5 people on the map - automatically in the chat in green pops up tips on how you can make a bet and type "/bet, and the name of the party who do you think will win this round and the number of points," for example "/bet Chechenec 7"! The game continues and all the voices at will. Next in the voting dialed 131 points with the participation of 23 players. This is displayed on the screen above, as well as displayed on whom and how many points it was delivered. And you can vote typing the name of the party not entirely, but let's say "/bet Nim 8" long for a place "/bet [Oo] Dr.Nimax". For instance, won Nimax and voted for him 5 people, which together gave 24 points. The entire bank holding 131 points, they are divided into the five who voted for Nimax'a people. 131 / 5 = rounded to integers obtained by 25 points to anyone who has won this round with the bet. But he himself the winner gets 50 points always at the end of the round. Or just a variant of the prize winner - he gets 50 points, but he also shared the prize of 131 points with those who vote for him, that is obtained by 131 divided by 6 people already, and this is the sixth winner and each of the six gets to 21 point. Those who voted for others - do not get their points remain in the bank, which is divided between those who correctly bet on the winner. The figures you can always edit, if 50 turns out to be little or vice versa - a lot. You can vote only once per round, only one person and only in the interval when alive from 3 to 5 persons. When there are two people - voting is not available because the chances to win points easily increase and dead players. This outline, all the moments you can think, as I have attached a screenshot where the top you will see how it should roughly look like.
Click image for larger viewThis applies to both DD and to DM, but it's worth a try with DD seems to me.
I would be interested to hear any opinion ...