Hi guys! I have a suggestion on the server. I am weak at scripting MTA, so I write and ask you. It would be interesting if you could make it so that when a player would go to heaven and left a list of all those who FAIL, would be appropriate flags country in which one or the other person lives. Below I've placed a screenshot where approximately depicted as it should look.
click on an image that would have opened it in high resolution.

The flag can be attached for an IP address. Or, if possible, come up so that when registering an account, a person must specify the country and it will automatically be placed into the database and will always be displayed correctly. I do not know whether it is possible so, but I just suggested. And in the graph TAB to add one column that will completely for each player is registered the country.
I repeat - I am weak in this and just suggest that I am interested to hear your opinions and suggestions on the matter.