- 6 February 2011 Sunday!
- Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 GMT +1 / 21.00 GMT +2 / 22.00 GMT +3
- Server: eXo-clan.info||Clanwar Server /
- 5 vs 5 (+ 1-2 reserve from each clan)
- Each clan 5 maps
- Each map 2 times
- 20 rounds
- If someone times out before the map starts We play the map again.
- If someone times out while the map is running, We play Further.
- If it is a Draw, We play the First Played Map Again.
- Be in the server 10 minutes early.
- MinFPS: 20 MaxFPS: 37
- Pinglimit: 250
- Only the Teamleader can write in chat. The others only in Teamchat.
Skype: Neuenegger
E-Mail: neuenegger@gmail.com
www.eXo-Clan.infoor per PM
Date & Time edited