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Author Topic: loop generator help  (Read 14629 times)

Jan 11, 2011, 04:57:33
Read 14629 times


I'm working on a new map right now but i dont really like RCGs loops they suck
I downloaded the loop generator off this site extracted it to mods/deathmatch/resources but i cant get it to appear in game the commands dont work nor does it appear in my definitions, if anyone has any advice or help they could give me it would be much appreciated.
Im just ME

Jan 11, 2011, 09:03:52
Reply #1


Jan 11, 2011, 11:27:19
Reply #2


no, RCG sux, dont use it

use this http://www.loopgen.tk/
or PRJMOA, alot of tutorials on youtube....

Jan 11, 2011, 12:50:15
Reply #3


[TUT]  vEnom's carshade loop generator 1.0

In a few words, here is my new loopgen. It makes loops like they were made by hand. I also added gui and some new features.

Position X,Y,Z : enter start position of your loop (use e.g. 100,145 not 100.145)
Pieces: The more pieces the bigger loop
Offset: distance between start and end of one looping
Right/left: curving of your loop
Loopings no.: number of loops

Object ID: choose one of the list (mixed is combination of 8557 and 3458 objects)

Half loop:

Quarter loop:
Invisible: you dont see it, but you can drive on it
Half visible: you see every 2nd part
Relative distance: density of carshades, 1 means normal loop, if you set 2 you will make this:

After generating it, copy whole text to your map file.



MTA give your coords wiht .

you will have this problemm

Use , not .

Jan 11, 2011, 12:51:32
Reply #4


you can use PRJMOA , i made a tutorial my self :

MTA PRJMOA tutorial

Jan 11, 2011, 13:08:09
Reply #5


PRJMOA for 1.0.X By ~[EPG]~DutchOps

[TUT]PRJMOA for 1.0.X
and for the people who didnt understand a shit from my video here some text explaination
1.open your MTA Map Editor.
2.open your map and go to the place where you want your looping Make sure the Rotation is 0 zo RotX 0 RotY 0 RotZ 0 and rename the object or something so you know  its that loop!
3.save your map.
4.go to your map folder in your MTA folder so go to your MTA folder than server/mods/deathmatch/resources and search your map!
5.open your .map File!.
6.than open PRJMOA.
7.download : http://www.file-upload.net/download-2375013/prjMOA.exe.html (its the download link from sealine ;) ).

8.go to your object and take the Xpos Ypos Zpos .
9.paste it in your Looping Objects in PRJMOA so it looks like this.

10.change the Radius to 40 for a good loop and change the pieces for 1 loop to 48 or 96 it doesnt matter both nice loops.
11.make the offset 20 .
12.looping nr just 1 or if you want more change it to 2 3 or 4 or 50.
13.rotation has to be 0.0 all the time! never change it or loop doesnt work.
14.Object ID 18450 because 3458 or 8838 wont work for loops or you got a hard loop like in soundwaves map at start.
15.but now we have a loop whats beneath your object so we have to change the YZ position of your positions.
16.as you know we have a Radius (also known as Height of the loop) but we didnt add it to our Z position so change the last number and add 40 to it so it looks like this.

17.then we have it still wrong the road and the loop arnt at the same position so we have to change the middle position!.
18.the Offset is 20 thats the space between the start and the end of the loop!
19.so if you want to have the Offset in the middle you have to take the half of your offset so 20:2=10 so add  10 to your middle coordinates if your middle coordinates is - than take it off your coordinates so it is -10 so it looks like this.

20.Now press Generate!.
21.you get a window copie everything in it and go to.
22.and paste it in there change the Input to MTA race and the output to MTA 1.0.
23.you get a new window take everything whats called <object=mtloop blabla till the last <object dont take the <meta> </meta> or the bullshit story below just the <object things.
24.copie it and paste it in your .map file.
25.open MTA again and Restart your map and you will see your object became a loop :D .
hope it Helped.

all credits go to Sealine the tut helped me to understand it :D.
and if you didnt understand shit of my video text explaination then your retarded :$ or im just bad in english :$ (guess the last one).

just wanted to post it here maybe for when people will need it ;)

By ~[EPG]~DutchOps
« Last Edit: Jan 11, 2011, 13:11:20 by MxRstyLe »

Jan 11, 2011, 20:47:45
Reply #6


lol a lot of pictures

Jan 12, 2011, 01:20:23
Reply #7


thx half tried to help and half tried to give me a virus, Millhouse your awesome that loopgen.tk works perfectly! but is there anyway to make the loop appear in a certain place that you want it? or does it just always appear randomly somewhere?
Im just ME

Jan 12, 2011, 01:42:52
Reply #8


place the last object of your road (eshade or any other object you are using), then F3 and copy XYZ positions, paste that into loopgenerator and thats all, play with options and see what suits you best :)

btw guys, nice work but all that i alerdy said him in few words xD

and as i alerdy say, for loopgen.tk or venom generator (its the same shit) dont use decimal number (example, no 10.4, just 10) otherwise it wont work...

with PRJMOA you can use decimals... watch tutorials and practice

...my suggestion: open map editor and start new blank map, place one object (road) and play with loop generators and options, that is the only way and best way you will figure out how stuff works...  8)
« Last Edit: Jan 12, 2011, 01:46:16 by Millhouse »

Jan 12, 2011, 03:42:06
Reply #9


yesss http://www.loopgen.tk/ works perfectly just added some loops to new map, thanks Millhouse you helped out alot man.
Im just ME

Jan 12, 2011, 12:33:59
Reply #10


yesss http://www.loopgen.tk/ works perfectly just added some loops to new map, thanks Millhouse you helped out alot man.
No Problem.We would like to express our thanks to

Jan 12, 2011, 15:23:22
Reply #11


no prob bro, To anyone that looks at this for help, do not download any of the .exes up there all viruses...
Im just ME