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Author Topic: Moving Objects, Roller Coaster Generator, Nick Colour By ~[EPG]~Puma  (Read 18901 times)

Jan 10, 2011, 12:48:59
Read 18901 times


1. If you're gonna add scripts to your maps PLEASE KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! Scripts aren't just something you copy/paste into your map - they need to be checked also. If you're gonna do this, then make sure you've done "debugscript 3" so you can see server and client script errors.

2. DO NOT use ( ) or spaces in file and folder names - these cause download errors.

Oh, and another thing do not use scripts that scroll the chat box to display credits. Map names and authors (from the meta info) are displayed on map start.

(1) Scripting [only MTA 1.0!]

If you want to make script on your map, just follow the instructions:

1. Download Notepad 
2. Open Multi Theft Auto Map Editor [1.0.3]
3. Load race definition
4. Create your map
5. Minimalize MTA
6. Open: Multi Theft Auto 1.0servermodsdeathmatchesources
7. Find folder with your map [2 files (meta.xml and *.map)]
8. Open meta file
9. Add two lines after MapSRC:
   <script src="PumaServerSideScript.lua" type="server" />
   <script src="PumaClientSideScript.lua" type="client" />
10. Open Notepad   and add your script here
11. Save as *.lua file
12. Reload your map
13. Press F5 or turn on test mode

There is to sides: ServerSide [everything that makes for server]
and ClientSide [everything that makes for client]

There is a lot of functions: moveObject, setObjectRotation, CreateExplodion etc.
All functions u can find here:

-- (a) Water, Sky Color  [only MTA 1.0!]

10. 1.a - Scripts: (CLIENTSIDE! - in meta.xml: <script src="PumaClientSideScript.lua" type="client" />)

function ClientStarted ()
setWaterColor( 0, 0 , 255 ) -- RGB colors
setSkyGradient( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) - 1st RGB colors top sky, 2nd RGB colors bottom sky

addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), ClientStarted )

-- (b) Your own billboard  [only MTA 1.0!]

10. 1.a - Scripts: (CLIENTSIDE! - in meta.xml: <script src="PumaClientSideScript.lua" type="client" />)

Billboard ID: 7301

function ClientStarted ()
billboard = engineLoadTXD("vgsn_billboard.txd")
engineImportTXD(billboard, 7301 )
addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), ClientStarted )
In meta.xml:
<file src="vgsn_billboard.txd" />
Put that file in your map folder:

You can edit txd file by using TXD Workshop 4.0, you can download it from:
TXD Workshop

(2) Roller Coaster Generator

To create perfect loops, helix just follow my instructions:

1. Download rcg16.rar file
2. Unpack Rar and put folder into Multi Theft Auto 1.0servermodsdeathmatchesources folder
3. Open accounts.xml file on Multi Theft Auto 1.0servermodsdeathmatch folder
4. Add new line:
    <account name="~[EPG]~Puma" password="yourpass" ip="" />
5. Save and close file
6. Open acl.xml file
7. Find that:
   <group name="Admin">
      <acl name="Moderator"/>
      <acl name="SuperModerator"/>
      <acl name="Admin"/>
      <acl name="RPC"/>
      <object name="resource.admin"/>
      <object name="resource.webadmin"/>
8. Add new line:
   <group name="Admin">
      <acl name="Moderator"/>
      <acl name="SuperModerator"/>
      <acl name="Admin"/>
      <acl name="RPC"/>
      <object name="resource.admin"/>
      <object name="resource.webadmin"/>
      <object name="user.~[EPG]~Puma"/>
9. Save and close file
10. Open MTA Map Editor [1.0]
11. Type: /login yournick yourpass [f.ex. /login ~[EPG]~Puma hello]
12. Type /start rcg
13. Use your mouse wheel to change definitions
14. Create perfect loops

If you want to save your LOOP, just save map. Open your map in NOTEPAD [*.map file]
Find all lines with words: "ControlPoint", "Track" and delete this lines. You should see only <object id="...

(3) Perfect Loop (by XeroX)

Here is video tutorial how make perfect loops with prjMOA in MTA 1.0 editor

1. Open prjMOA
2. Creat loop
3. Press generate
4. U will see window with text, copy it
5. Open IE and go to
6. Convert MTA Race into MTA 1.0 map and press continue
7. Paste text and press button Convert my Objects
8. Copy new text ( donţ copy this text on top of window <map edf:definitions="editor_main">)
9. Go to ur .map file and open it. Then go down and paste text before </map>
10. Save map
11. U have added loops for ur map 

(4) Nick Colour

If u want to have colored nick just put #HTML colors before your nickname. Use /nick command. [f.ex. /nick ~[EPG]~#FF0000Puma - ~[EPG]~Puma

After # you have to put 6 letters [A-F] or numbers [0-9]
First 2 numbers are reserved for RED
Second 2 numbers are reserved for GREEN
Third 2 numbers are reserved for BLUE

Min - 00 Max - FF

This is just Hexadecimal System:
A = 10
B = 11
C = 12
D = 13
E = 14
F = 15

255 = FF 15*16    15]
200 = C8 12*16   8]
150 = 96 9*16   6]
100 = 64 6*16   4]
50 = 32 3*16   2]
0 = 00 0*16   0]


You can see a lot of HEX colors HERE:

/nick #FF0000Good #00FF00Lu#FFFF00ck
Good Luck: :)


Jan 10, 2011, 15:26:39
Reply #1


« Last Edit: Jan 10, 2011, 15:30:55 by Giraffen420 »

Jan 10, 2011, 17:33:18
Reply #3


It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving FORWARD!

Jan 10, 2011, 17:36:37
Reply #4


Inactive Owl

Jan 10, 2011, 17:40:42
Reply #5


It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving FORWARD!

Jan 10, 2011, 18:00:03
Reply #6


Do we rly need copied tuts here? I think everybody can find them via google.
So please^^ only post your own stuff^^