1.Score SystemThere will be 10+ DD maps,on every map the last three players will get points.
Cross DD (1.[O.o]EddY 3 Points,2.Tarzan 2 Points,3.Jenny 1 Point)
Points will be counted at the end, and leader will become the winner of the tournament.
2.Gameplay Rules• Do not use Hacks,Mods.
• Do not AFK during the tournament.
• Do not swear,insult members.
• Do not arrange any teams, play for yourself(You will be removed from tournament, and will be called POSSY.
• Do not spam the chat during tournament, its place to show skills, not how funny you are.
• Be sure that your computer matches minimum requirements(Minmum FPS 20, Maximum FPS 45, Maximum ping 150.
3.Prizes-Will be decided later!
Scores:Results of the tournament here!