Gnida!! When is pictures coming? We want to see pictures of the bones & pictures of your cat!,,, we're going crazy without the pictures here!
A picture of your russian town would also be nice! 
Bones right now, I can not throw, they are in another apartment, but I live closer to their workplace. As there will be, try not to forget to take pictures. Cat with me and the nature of the window)) Just too lazy to photograph and to throw the computer)) But it will definitely be quicker these days must force myself to take pictures.
I knew that you are a fag but not that big as it seems like
From what you've decided that I'm a fag? I live with my girlfriend and we are working. I'm not a fag!
What The hell... This is insanity man!! U want to be writer of books?! 
Thank Toxic. About the writings of the books did not think I like my job and I am satisfied, although it may be someday I incarnation is a reality, who knows.
Thank you for your questions people! Peace to all local.