Dec 3, 2024, 18:19:12
Ownage Owls

Author Topic: Abuse  (Read 42690 times)

Jul 26, 2010, 15:45:47
Read 42690 times


As we seen there is something called abuse in Ownage Owls server.We know that some of the supermod/mod were abus and their nice level went down.WHY? Because they were chaning their vehicles to hunters aswell as killing everyone with it. Also, noticing the fact they're are using "B" to spectate however they're were using it for hiding and also avoding death on DD/DM Maps. The next awful case is spamming witch is a terrible resemble for a proper administrator
This topic is where you can report an administrator who has been abusing their powers for their own selfish needs.
If you happen to see someone abusing their powers and you think it's unfair for the server directly to have such an idoit admin. Then please report them in this format:

Your ingame nickname:
Admin who abused nickname: RedBull
Date and time of abuse: 02.02.2002 16:36
Discription what happend: He changed his vehicle to hunter and blow my ass up
Screenshots(if u have any):


RedBull (got -1 Level for vehicle change abusing)   

Super Moderators:

dark.sector (on vacation)
DarthBlazer (inactive staff)   
giraffen420 (inactive staff)    
OverCover (Been warned for using "B" to avoid death,next will be -1)   

Fill the form and report if someone abused you or your friend.

Thank You.
« Last Edit: Aug 18, 2010, 18:05:00 by EddY! »

Jul 26, 2010, 17:41:13
Reply #1


I read it and i'll keep my eye on something suspicious

Believe that. ;)

Jul 27, 2010, 10:24:40
Reply #2


Oh yeeeeeah... that wont happen again.
[Insert signature here]

Jul 27, 2010, 12:23:47
Reply #3


Inactive Owl
Am I admin?

Jul 27, 2010, 14:02:29
Reply #4


Am I admin?
You are not on the list... you are not playing mta didnt saw u

Jul 27, 2010, 21:58:05
Reply #5



Casual (Dont see him around)   
Invalidus (been warned because of changing map when he dies,next is removing)
Ptasior (Inactive staff)   
RedBull (got -1 Level for vehicle change abusing)   

Super Moderators:

dark.sector (on vacation)
DarthBlazer (inactive staff)   
giraffen420 (inactive staff)   
karbonkel (Inactive staff)
Matipl123 (Inactive staff)   
OverCover (Been warned for using "B" to avoid death,next will be -1)
Pussy42 (Inactive staff)   
raggi  (has been on vacation) back now ) 

Jul 27, 2010, 23:50:48
Reply #6


Point of repeating was?...

Jul 28, 2010, 10:35:03
Reply #7


That he is back from vacation... he could just say that  ::)

Jul 29, 2010, 19:40:51
Reply #8


Inactive Owl
I dont change the map when I'm dead, I never did and never will.

PD:What evidence have ye?

Jul 29, 2010, 20:31:14
Reply #9


I dont change the map when I'm dead, I never did and never will.

PD:What evidence have ye?
My eyes are the best evidence,i saw u with my own eyes.You failed at the start on Paranoja DD and changed the map in a sec after that.

Jul 30, 2010, 01:06:16
Reply #10


Ice Actually my lvl -1 is kinda stupid. I can change vehicles nao too. But I hate not being SM because I can't ban when admins, give Ghostmode, etc. Do please, I want my SM back :<

Jul 30, 2010, 10:33:02
Reply #11


Ice Actually my lvl -1 is kinda stupid. I can change vehicles nao too. But I hate not being SM because I can't ban when admins, give Ghostmode, etc. Do please, I want my SM back :<
Your lvl is stupid ha?Wasn't that stupid when u were spamming,giving hydra,changing your vehicle to hunter,killing everyone?
So you can change your vehicle now too,do it and u wont be staff anymore.You are not good to be staff you are kicking for nothing and ban for lag.That's not what real staff is doing.You become staff coz we trusted u and u were an owl but you fucked up,now i dont care.Do not complain abt your level on this topic,talk to me on irc.

Jul 30, 2010, 22:21:05
Reply #12


Ice Actually my lvl -1 is kinda stupid. I can change vehicles nao too. But I hate not being SM because I can't ban when admins, give Ghostmode, etc. Do please, I want my SM back :<
Your lvl is stupid ha?Wasn't that stupid when u were spamming,giving hydra,changing your vehicle to hunter,killing everyone?
So you can change your vehicle now too,do it and u wont be staff anymore.You are not good to be staff you are kicking for nothing and ban for lag.That's not what real staff is doing.You become staff coz we trusted u and u were an owl but you fucked up,now i dont care.Do not complain abt your level on this topic,talk to me on irc.

As you have seen, I'm off IRC forever, since it had problems with my computer + laptop.
+ I'll not change the fuken cars, I mean, something I learnt, ut I'm asking too get to enable Ghostmode, please.

Jul 30, 2010, 23:32:35
Reply #13


Inactive Owl
canihaz admin pl0x?

Jul 31, 2010, 00:37:41
Reply #14



(1) A gamer's way of saying please.

(2) However, when one moves up the 1337 cool ladder then begin to use plox in a bigger variety of meanings. It becomes substitutable for any noun, verb, or adjective as long as you assume the opposite person can follow your train of logic and understand that which plox is substituting.

(3) Plox can also be used to describe a certain situation, or to imply special circumstances.

(4) Used to change normal insult names to the next level by adding plox. Har to accomplish unless you use one word add-ons'

(5) the suffix -erz on the end of plox can be used to create a playful mood in conversation between gamers and can be used as an exclamation when a gamer is either in a tough situation or is has accomplished something amazing. Usually coupled with an add on word.

In many of the following occasions (2, 3, 4 and 5) words can be attached to the beginning or end of plox(usually end) in order to convey the meaning or substitution of plox easier.

Important!: Plox may be added onto the end of random words in order to make conversation between gamers even scrubbier then normal.
(1): Yo wassup baybay, gimme ur 50 plox


Kid (gamer) 1: Dude i got my 50 plox in halo 3. Now I'm a general!

Kid (gamer) 2: You fucking scrub I ploxed that shit like 6 months ago

Kid (gamer)1: Yeah, I got it in swat. I got carryploxed by sidewayz shootin' and OMG iTz Fagz

Kid (gamer) 2: Fuck sidewayz, he fucking lives in basementplox with his parents and he's like 30.

Kid (gamer)1: Yeah, hey i gotta go plox a spanish test in Ms. Trejo's. See ya ploxnugget.

Kid (gamer) 1: Dude i think you that ugly chick Timantha Hoffman likes me

Kid (gamer) 2: Get fuckin' ROFLPLOXED, aren't your mom's friends?

Kid (gamer) 1: Yeah, she's coming over for dinner tomorrow night.

Kid (gamer) 2: That sounds like a fun plox to me.


Kid (gamer) 1: Hey fuck you glitter-fucking-plox-fuck

Kid (gamer) 2: Calm down retardplox


EX 1: Fuckplox, I just got moved from my table in science and I won't be able to copy them. The teacher's gonna figure out I know nothing.

EX 2:

Kid (gamer) 1: PLOXERZ, I ust got a fucking 2 for 1 with a laserplox