Jan 3, 2025, 08:24:02
Ownage Owls


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Author Topic: CyRay Mod Request  (Read 6221 times)

May 25, 2014, 12:24:48
Read 6221 times


1. How long do you play MTA generally?
No lies, I discovered MTA around 2007, but I didn't play it all the time since 2007, had breaks during this time and after my final break it's been about 6 months.

2. How long do you play on our server?:
As mentioned, It's been 6 months for the last time I started to play MTA, and I mostly played on your server, which is also for 6 months.

3. What's your nickname and accountname(!) ingame?:
Nickname: [CND]^CyRay
Accountname: CyRay

4. Where are you from?:
 I live in Turkey.

5. Why should you be admin/mod?:
Well, I mostly play on your DD server and usually (more than 90% of the time) I don't see a mod online and some people may become really disturbing for the server. I also believe that I can keep the respect of the players and take care of the gameplay. I read the rules pretty well and I think that I can handle to be a mod. I've been thinking of requesting to be a mod for a long time and since I can not take the disturbance when there is nobody around anymore, I decided to do this request. I know that most of you do not know about me but I'm sure that I'll do my job well if I become a mod. I believe that your servers deserve more. Thanks to anyone who replies.