Mar 7, 2025, 04:31:04
Ownage Owls


Can I ?

1 (8.3%)
11 (91.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Author Topic: Vusal mod request  (Read 7521 times)

May 20, 2014, 17:07:22
Read 7521 times


1. How long do you play MTA generally?
2. How long do you play on our server?
3. What's your nickname and accountname(!) ingame?
4. Where are you from?
5. Why should you be admin/mod

1- 1 years.
2- 6 Months
3- Nickname: [A.Z]VusalMelih   Accountname : ELNUR
4- Azerbaijan
5- I'm playing this server  for 6 months but I have many friends. They likes me and they trust me. But somebody argue in server. I want mute them.. So server will more playability.