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Author Topic: Ace - Mod Request  (Read 5964 times)

Nov 19, 2013, 11:32:40
Read 5964 times


1. How long do you play MTA generally? 4 Years
2. How long do you play on our server? It's the first server i played on, 4 Years
3. What's your nickname and accountname(!) ingame? Nick: Ace~  Accountname: Ace
4. Where are you from? Saudi Arabia
5. Why should you be admin/mod? Well i've been playing mta for a long time so i have a good experience and judges, and i kinda feel bad when i see this server which i had much and many fun memories has bugged maps and no active admins specially when i see lots of retards around the server who's just trying to ruin everybody's fun and i think i'll make a good mod.
Regards, Ace.