FIRST herkeze easy gelsın camp yesterday alone I have been playing ownage Search dm oyuncusuyum 2 senenır We have had a few people tired of waiting for them to dd admini saw looked increasingly admın admın Have I called he did not look serıal unlimited ban would generate a more angrily threw THEN I went to dm to dm will give punishment to those who met geldı time camping ground, please dm met grandpa threw me wrong, the correction of the ban on unlimited istiyorumm serıal ...
Oh yeah, I banned you because you were saying all nasty things to me on DD, so I banned you for a while, then you went over to DM & used + to say even more nasty things, so I banned you there aswell.
Calling me gay & that stuff just because I wont go over to DM to kick someone AFK, when i'm in the middle of a DD match, thats just nasty!
Though I can agree a 1000 years might be a bit harsh on you.
But you did after all say these things to me, so it'll be removed... BUT!! i'll let it stay there for a few more days. Unless anyone has any objections?