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Author Topic: How to play GTA SA in 3D . By Occo  (Read 21544 times)

Sep 20, 2012, 21:05:22
Read 21544 times


First Hello, I'm Occo
First download the latest graphics driver for your graphics card .
LINK ~ http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index5.aspx?lang=en-us
This guide will let you play any game in 3D , not only GTA San Andreas .

If you already have the latest Nvidia graphics driver installed , just skip the step 7 right now .
1) If you know what a graphics *card you own , just choose the correct fields in the link i gave you .
2) If you don't know what *graphics card you own , just clicl on the button that is marked in the pic below as number 2 .

If you already know what a graphics card you have , and followed step 1 and step 2 , just skip the step 5 .

3)Your internet browser might ask you to install an add-on . Please do , because if you don't , the Nvidia scanner won't be able to recognize *what graphics *card *your using .
4)After this scanning is done you'll get this .

If you have the latest driver you'll see exactly whats in the picture , but if you don't *, you'll see the version of the latest driver update *under the "Latest driver update " tab
5) You're now at the download page. All you have to do is to click on the green download button .

Below the Download button you'll find the information about how this driver inmproves *the performance of your graphics card.

6) After you've downloaded the driver, open the file and the installation will begin. During the installation the screen will go black for a second, don't worry it'll return in less than 3 seconds. After you're done, restart your computer.

7) If you are reading this step, it means your graphics driver is the most updated it can be. Now go to your desktop and right click on the background. Choose the NVIDIA Control Panel, like in the picture:

In the new openned window, to your left find the sub-menu called Stereoscopic 3D, and choose 'Set up stereoscopic 3D'.

9) Tick the 'Enable stereoscopic 3D' you see in the picture, and a wset-up wizard should open. Choose the type of 3D you want, *to the glasses you own: Cyan and Red or Grey. After that the wizard will give you some tests that will make sure your glasses are working. The wizard is easy to understand so I won't explain any of it here. At the end of the wizard you will be given the option to see a slideshow of 3D pictures in HD of many games .

10) When you are done watching the *slideshow, return to the Control Panel and I'll explain what you can do now with your newly earned 3D abiities.


Playing with the 3D:
1) As you can see in the picture above, you can play with the depth of field. This chooses the amount of distance between 3D objects on your screen. Leave that in the default 15%, as increasing it might (just might) make your eyes hurt.
2) The 'Set Keyboard Shortcuts' will let you choose shortcuts to some 3D functions. I will explain what the most important ones do:
* Show or hide stereoscopic 3D effects: After you openned a game in full screen you can choose if you want to enable/disable the 3D view with this shortcut.
* Show or hide 3D laser sight: In some FPS games (not GTA SA), while played in 3D, you'll notice that the gun will not shoot straight at where the sight is, or the sight is out of focus, so Nvidia developed a sight that will show you exactly where the bullets will hit. I'll show you later where to configure that sight.
* Show or hide in-game compability: When you enable 3D after you started a game, sometimes you'll see the at the bottom right of your screen some details about the compability of the game with 3D. Use this shortcut to hide these details, or show them again.
3) The 'Change 3D Laser Sight' button will open a small window where you can choose how the laser sight I mentioned earlier will look, and how transparent it will be.
4) If you don't want any game you open to start in 3D automatically, than tick the box called: Hide stereoscopic 3D effects when game starts. Like in the picture above.
5) In the sub-menu of 3D you'll also find the 'View compability with games' where you'll have a list of many games and how good they work with 3D.
Note: If a game doesn't appear on the list, it doesn't mean it won't work with 3D, just try it. The list also shows recommendations of how to change your game settings to make the game work optimal in 3D. Just highlight the game you want to play, and it'll appear below the list.

You're now ready to play any game you have in 3D. Just take notice that in order to show you 3D, your computer needs to render every frame twice. One for each of your eyes, so yes, 3D will make games slower. So if you don't have a strong PC, I recommend you lower either the resolution, antialiasing or quality of FX effects.

All you need to do now is start the game, and if it isn't automatically in 3D, use the keyboard shortcut that you chose.

The game will look like this now. (I took the pic from the *SAMP RP (Role-Play) server , actualy it's my friends server .)

Respects Occo

Sep 20, 2012, 21:52:00
Reply #1


Are you fucking braindead writing in this size?


noob, i will change your country to turkey!
« Last Edit: Sep 20, 2012, 21:57:37 by Mdbelen »

Sep 20, 2012, 22:09:20
Reply #2


Sep 20, 2012, 22:23:29
Reply #3


Noob not everyone has the Nvidia graphics card.Sh1t TUT.
It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving FORWARD!

Sep 21, 2012, 11:14:13
Reply #4


yes and this is old idea :)

Sep 21, 2012, 12:18:27
Reply #5


Noob not everyone has the Nvidia graphics card.Sh1t TUT.

You are shit for not having the Nvidia graphic card! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA !

Sep 21, 2012, 16:28:58
Reply #6


Noob not everyone has the Nvidia graphics card.Sh1t TUT.

You are shit for not having the Nvidia graphic card! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA !
Fu,I had it,It's R.I.P now.
It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving FORWARD!