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Ownage Owls

Author Topic: woot ate my internet cable  (Read 10308 times)

Aug 15, 2012, 13:15:04
Read 10308 times


Inactive Owl
Hey guys! Long time no see. I bumped into ToMo in the JC2MP IRC channel today. I'm not really sure how long I was absent, but I guess it's been a while. Well, first off, I was in the army for 8 months, went on October 3rd, 2011 and finished my service in May 28th, 2012. I'll post some pictures under this post. After that I was in the UK for a month, Manchester City. I tried doing normal work, but I just can't do it, I get bored too quickly. So I'm joining the 1st Infantry Brigade, Scoutsbatallion (Scoutspataljon) in September, to become a professional soldier (so to say). It's a nice job, atleast every day is not the same. Well, I can't think of anything else to say, for now. Ah, here are the pictures from my service, I'm a combat engineer by the way:

Aug 15, 2012, 15:27:48
Reply #1


Hi d000d, incredible cool that you are here again^^
Also nice pictures BUUUT the gloves on the 2nd picture make you look like a kinky abusive stealth killah lol.

Aug 15, 2012, 15:54:19
Reply #2


Inactive Owl
Hah, those were some bad leather gloves. Turned my hands blue if they got wet. :P

Aug 15, 2012, 15:57:59
Reply #3


I'm glad you're still around
Hopefully we can hang out in MTA, JC2-MP, etc.
There's also our Teamspeak, as I said ;)
Join us on Discord

Aug 17, 2012, 20:23:55
Reply #4


Oh sa issanda meie.Ma küll ei tea sind, aga tervitan siiski.Mul tekkis üks küsimus sulle.Nimelt on mul endal minek ajateenistusse umbes aasta pärast, kui kooli ära lõpetan, aga ma tahtsin küsida seda; Milline näeb välja päev ajateenistuses ja tegevteenistuses.Ma arvan, et ma otsustan minna peale kooli ja ajateenistuse lõpetamist tegevteenistusse.

Aug 18, 2012, 14:34:10
Reply #5


Inactive Owl
Ajateenistuses on ausalt öeldes raskem, kuna seal on sinu ülesanne õppida, kuulata jne. Jao-ja rühmaülemate ülesanne on sulle seal 24/7 sumpsi keerata. Koguaeg jälgitakse sind, lebotada ei saa. Tegevteenistuses on asi teistmoodi, seal oled sa tööl, 08:00 - 17:00. Peale seda tead ise mis teed, ei pea väeosas passima. Võid minna linnapeale, sõbra juurde ja kui tahad, alles hommikul tööajaks tagasi tulla. Enamusajast on harjutused ja õppused, vahetevahel nö. külastused mõnda õppeasutusse või siis tullakse hoopis sinna vaatama.

Aug 19, 2012, 17:26:31
Reply #6


I always like to hear when older members come back, even if I never knew them, wb mate ;)
And if you guys don't mind, English pls, so we can understand, if it is private use pm :)

Aug 19, 2012, 19:24:53
Reply #7


 I don't know you, but it's a pleasure to say you welcome back!

Aug 26, 2012, 00:19:39
Reply #8


Inactive Owl
Welcome back to Ownage Owls.

I will say someone needs to teach you how to correctly fit your webbing :P ( the second picture )
Welcome to the wonderful world that is Ownage Owls, we welcome you into our aviary and you may do as you please. but we must ask you do not steal the food, as ToMo will get extremely angry.