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Ownage Owls

Author Topic: Heya!!  (Read 8682 times)

Feb 13, 2012, 15:44:56
Read 8682 times


Heya folks,

I thought an introduction in this forum section would be a friendly way to say everybody in this community a "Hello!" and to give you a chance to let me know and to estimate who I'm. First of all I want to say that I know my English isn't one of the bests but I am doing my best to be as understandable as possible and hope here aren't any freaks who try to find every mistake.
To start this I want to tell something about me: My name is Fynn and I'm from Germany near Hamburg. Ingame and on the forum you'll find me with this name, too. I discovered the Ownage Owls Community already some time ago and already participated for the FoX clan in two of your tournaments. So far I played with / against, I can say that the wars with you always were fun! :) I hope that you'll organise any new Race-Tournament in the next time, because after a 2nd TeamPlace in the last time, I want beat ToMo there this time. :P (No, I really don't care, but you really did a great job with this tourney).
To go a bit more in the detail, I am someone who is loving the mountain sports (skiing, climbing and mountainbiking) and I also prefer this much more than something 'normal' like football, basketball etc. and try to do it as often as possible.
I am playing MTA since April 2010 and spend the most time in a German Race Clan, called STM (it's already closed now) and afterwards were member in the clans FoX and eXo.
So far I could explore your server (mainly the DD one), it looks good and not overscripted and lagging. Maybe some of you know the feeling when you joined MTA:SA first time and went on any server as an unknown inexperienced anyone and had the same feeling of all admins are stonecold. However I think that's something really egocentric and sinewy, because most of them probably are bashful and secluded guys who normally would react totally different. :o(

I don't want make this too long and don't know anything more to tell in this introduction, so I hope you could find out something about me and win a review about me. If you've any questions, don't hesitate to ask and I am greeting all who already meet me on the servers and say hi to all who I will meet here in future. :)

Feb 13, 2012, 17:53:22
Reply #1


Nice post man,one of the best intro i read     Wellcome to our comunity oo and your englis is not bad at all

Feb 13, 2012, 18:05:42
Reply #2


I remember you from before, nice that you play here once in a while

I don't get the whole admin thing? Is that for us, or? :P
Join us on Discord

Feb 13, 2012, 18:20:43
Reply #3


Welcome!! I've played with you a few times on cross server, nice to see you've made your way to our forums as well. Best of luck to you here.

Feb 13, 2012, 18:21:58
Reply #4


Ahoy mate!
It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving FORWARD!

Feb 14, 2012, 16:11:39
Reply #5


Hi, I am glad you enjoyed our tournaments,as for mtb too bad you are in nord germany, if you were in Baden-Württemberg we could do it together when i go to germany :P ... anyways enjoy your stay.

Feb 14, 2012, 19:41:44
Reply #6


Thanks :) and no, this admin thing has nothing to do with this clan :P

Feb 14, 2012, 20:07:25
Reply #7


Yea, thought so :)
No personal issues should involve into your power over others.
Gladly we don't have those issues, admins are there to keep the order

Keep on playing!
Join us on Discord

Feb 19, 2012, 12:47:33
Reply #8


Inactive Owl
Welcome to the wonderful world that is Ownage Owls, we must ask that you do not eat the wildlife. As our aviary needs it for their nutrition.

Thanks & Welcome.
Welcome to the wonderful world that is Ownage Owls, we welcome you into our aviary and you may do as you please. but we must ask you do not steal the food, as ToMo will get extremely angry.