Heya folks,
I thought an introduction in this forum section would be a friendly way to say everybody in this community a "Hello!" and to give you a chance to let me know and to estimate who I'm. First of all I want to say that I know my English isn't one of the bests but I am doing my best to be as understandable as possible and hope here aren't any freaks who try to find every mistake.
To start this I want to tell something about me: My name is Fynn and I'm from Germany near Hamburg. Ingame and on the forum you'll find me with this name, too. I discovered the Ownage Owls Community already some time ago and already participated for the FoX clan in two of your tournaments. So far I played with / against, I can say that the wars with you always were fun!

I hope that you'll organise any new Race-Tournament in the next time, because after a 2nd TeamPlace in the last time, I want beat ToMo there this time.

(No, I really don't care, but you really did a great job with this tourney).
To go a bit more in the detail, I am someone who is loving the mountain sports (skiing, climbing and mountainbiking) and I also prefer this much more than something 'normal' like football, basketball etc. and try to do it as often as possible.
I am playing MTA since April 2010 and spend the most time in a German Race Clan, called STM (it's already closed now) and afterwards were member in the clans FoX and eXo.
So far I could explore your server (mainly the DD one), it looks good and not overscripted and lagging. Maybe some of you know the feeling when you joined MTA:SA first time and went on any server as an unknown inexperienced anyone and had the same feeling of all admins are stonecold. However I think that's something really egocentric and sinewy, because most of them probably are bashful and secluded guys who normally would react totally different.

I don't want make this too long and don't know anything more to tell in this introduction, so I hope you could find out something about me and win a review about me. If you've any questions, don't hesitate to ask and I am greeting all who already meet me on the servers and say hi to all who I will meet here in future.