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Author Topic: Ahhh, I'm noob at map creating, help me ;(  (Read 10180 times)

Jul 1, 2011, 12:24:16
Read 10180 times


Hi everyone, I have 2 questions:
1.  How to do nitro boost, car changes and repair icons in MTA?
2.  Do you using any programs like this: MTA DM Roller Coaster Mapeditor resource ?

Jul 1, 2011, 12:40:27
Reply #1


Oh ok :

1.First of all,if u are creating a race /dm/dd map you need to add ''race'' in definitions  : http://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/File:Editor_Definitions.png (there you have a pic how ''definitons'' looks) .You need to click there and to add race.Also click the Map Settings button in the top menu, go to the Gamemodes tab and add any gamemodes that your map is to be used with.(in your case that is race)
-When u finish first step then put your mouse on the element menu in the lower left corner and  roll the mousewheel in this menu to bring up custom elements.(like a nitro,repair,vehicle changer)
2.I think u shouldn't use it yet becouse i see you are amateur in the creating maps  and first you should start to make smaller and simplier maps but if u  want to use rcg u can find tut's and download link's on youtube Good luck.
It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving FORWARD!

Jul 2, 2011, 13:29:40
Reply #2


Thank you, but I just want to know - are map makers making loops with RCG or not?

Jul 2, 2011, 13:45:28
Reply #3


Thank you, but I just want to know - are map makers making loops with RCG or not?
Yes, of course. But you can do it manually if you are a professional ;P