Nickname: Leonardo
Real name: Jeroen
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Location: Netherlands.
Former clans: Yes, but none of them on MTA.
Headset: Yes.
Teamspeak user: Yes.
SA-MP: Yes.
MTA: Yes.
other mod: No.
Why do you wanna join Ownage Owls?
I've been playing on the Ownage Owls server for quite some time, sometimes with some breaks, but now playing more again. Many might still remember me, some now as Jeronix but I've decided to change it back towards Leonardo as most people liked that more. I'm mainly here to play with fun, and that's what I'm also having when playing on here. I'll most likely get some more on teamspeak as I haven't really been used that alot while playing lately. I'll mainly like to join because I'm finding it a nice clan to play with, and mainly have fun.
What can you do for clan?
Most likely be active, have fun with others, play some clan wars and such. I'm not able to script or anything like that, might try mapping sometime but I'll see.
Note:I've lost the acces of my IG account " Leonardo" when I wanted to change it back today (as Mdbelen has noticed already). So if possible I'd like this to be resetted/changed.