Feb 10, 2025, 11:20:13
Ownage Owls

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General / Re: How is everyone?
« Last post by rijads on Jan 2, 2022, 21:38:38 »
fine, and u m8 ?
General / How is everyone?
« Last post by Giraffen420 on Oct 23, 2021, 20:13:15 »
I just wanted to know how everyone is doing.
Have a nice day.
Announcements / [Epic Games Store] ARK: Survival Evolved (Free)
« Last post by Potzo on Jun 15, 2020, 17:07:40 »

Sale ends 6/18/2020 at 5:00 PM

Get ARK: Survival Evolved

About the game

Stranded on the shores of a mysterious island, you must learn to survive. Use your cunning to kill or tame the primeval creatures roaming the land, and encounter other players to survive, dominate... and escape!

Announcements / [Epic Games Store] Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI (Free)
« Last post by Potzo on May 22, 2020, 09:45:23 »

You have until 5/28/2020 at 5:00 PM to get it for free!

Get Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI

About the game

Civilization VI offers new ways to interact with your world, expand your empire across the map, advance your culture, and compete against history’s greatest leaders to build a civilization that will stand the test of time.

See the marvels of your empire spread across the map like never before. Each city spans multiple tiles so you can custom build your cities to take full advantage of the local terrain.

Unlock boosts that speed your civilization’s progress through history. To advance more quickly, use your units to actively explore, develop your environment, and discover new cultures.

Interactions with other civilizations change over the course of the game, from primitive first interactions where conflict is a fact of life, to late game alliances and negotiations.

Expanding on the “one unit per tile” design, support units can now be embedded with other units, like anti-tank support with infantry, or a warrior with settlers. Similar units can also be combined to form powerful “Corps” units.

In addition to traditional multiplayer modes, cooperate and compete with your friends in a wide variety of situations all designed to be easily completed in a single session.

Civilization VI provides veteran players new ways to build and tune their civilization for the greatest chance of success. New tutorial systems introduce new players to the underlying concepts so they can easily get started.

Announcements / [Epic Games Store] Grand Theft Auto 5 (Free)
« Last post by Potzo on May 14, 2020, 17:17:06 »

You have until May 21 to get it for free! The only requirement is that users enable two-factor authentication on their accounts.

Get Grand Theft Auto 5

About the game

The Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Edition includes the complete GTAV story, Grand Theft Auto Online and all existing gameplay upgrades and content. You’ll also get the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack, the fastest way to jumpstart your criminal empire in GTA Online.

When a young street hustler, a retired bank robber and a terrifying psychopath find themselves entangled with some of the most frightening and deranged elements of the criminal underworld, the U.S. government and the entertainment industry, they must pull off a series of dangerous heists to survive in a ruthless city in which they can trust nobody, least of all each other.

Grand Theft Auto V for PC offers players the option to explore the award-winning world of Los Santos and Blaine County in resolutions of up to 4k and beyond, as well as the chance to experience the game running at 60 frames per second.

The game offers players a huge range of PC-specific customization options, including over 25 separate configurable settings for texture quality, shaders, tessellation, anti-aliasing and more, as well as support and extensive customization for mouse and keyboard controls. Additional options include a population density slider to control car and pedestrian traffic, as well as dual and triple monitor support, 3D compatibility, and plug-and-play controller support.

Grand Theft Auto V for PC also includes Grand Theft Auto Online, with support for 30 players and two spectators. Grand Theft Auto Online for PC will include all existing gameplay upgrades and Rockstar-created content released since the launch of Grand Theft Auto Online, including Heists and Adversary modes.

The PC version of Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online features First Person Mode, giving players the chance to explore the incredibly detailed world of Los Santos and Blaine County in an entirely new way.

Grand Theft Auto V for PC also brings the debut of the Rockstar Editor, a powerful suite of creative tools to quickly and easily capture, edit and share game footage from within Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. The Rockstar Editor’s Director Mode allows players the ability to stage their own scenes using prominent story characters, pedestrians, and even animals to bring their vision to life. Along with advanced camera manipulation and editing effects including fast and slow motion, and an array of camera filters, players can add their own music using songs from GTAV radio stations, or dynamically control the intensity of the game’s score. Completed videos can be uploaded directly from the Rockstar Editor to YouTube and the Rockstar Games Social Club for easy sharing.

Soundtrack artists The Alchemist and Oh No return as hosts of the new radio station, The Lab FM. The station features new and exclusive music from the production duo based on and inspired by the game’s original soundtrack. Collaborating guest artists include Earl Sweatshirt, Freddie Gibbs, Little Dragon, Killer Mike, Sam Herring from Future Islands, and more. Players can also discover Los Santos and Blaine County while enjoying their own music through Self Radio, a new radio station that will host player-created custom soundtracks.

Special access content requires Rockstar Games Social Club account. Visit http://rockstargames.com/v/bonuscontent for details.

Unban Request / How to post Unban Request
« Last post by Potzo on May 13, 2020, 11:05:07 »
Make a new topic with your nickname which you used in-game when you were banned.
Fill the topic with this:

Date and time:
Reason for ban/kick:
Your explanation:

Be patient, we will check your request as soon as possible.

Minecraft Server / Server Information & Guide
« Last post by Potzo on May 13, 2020, 10:56:52 »

Join us on creating our new world called Ownage Owls Den.
We're already settling in big time!

Server IP: ownageowls.com
Version: Java 1.15.2
Max players: 64

Server options:
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Nether: Allowed
  • View distance: 10
  • Max build height: 256
  • PVP: True
  • Online mode: False

Current staff:
  • Potzo
  • CaptainRaccoon
  • Alex

  • Don't break or steal anything you don't own.
  • Do not hack or abuse bugs.
  • Do not grief.
  • Speak English in the main chat.
  • Insulting, spamming, or advertising is not allowed.

Custom plugins & commands:

dynmap: Plugin Help: /help dynmap
/dynmap: Controls Dynmap.
/dmarker: Manipulate map markers
/dmap: List and modify dynmap configuration
/dynmapexp: Map export commands

Vault: Plugin Help: /help vault
/vault-info: Displays information about Vault
/vault-convert: Converts all data in economy1 and dumps it into economy2

DiscordSRV: Plugin Help: /discord ?
/discord: Show discord link

Essentials: Plugin Help: /help essentials
/afk: Marks you as away-from-keyboard.
/antioch: A little surprise for operators.
/back: Teleports you to your location prior to tp/spawn/warp.
/backup: Runs the backup if configured.
/balance: States the current balance of a player.
/balancetop: Gets the top balance values.
/ban: Bans a player.
/banip: Bans an IP address.
/beezooka: Throw an exploding bee at your opponent.
/book: Allows reopening and editing of sealed books.
/break: Breaks the block you are looking at.
/broadcast: Broadcasts a message to the entire server.
/broadcastworld: Broadcasts a message to a world.
/bigtree: Spawn a big tree where you are looking.
/burn: Set a player on fire.
/clearinventory: Clear all items in your inventory.
/clearinventoryconfirmtoggle: Toggles whether you are prompted to confirm inventory clears.
/condense: Condenses items into a more compact blocks.
/compass: Describes your current bearing.
/createkit: Create a kit in game!
/customtext: Allows you to create custom text commands.
/delhome: Removes a home.
/deljail: Removes a jail.
/delkit: Deletes the specified kit.
/delwarp: Deletes the specified warp.
/depth: States current depth, relative to sea level.
/disposal: Opens a portable disposal menu.
/eco: Manages the server economy.
/enchant: Enchants the item the user is holding.
/enderchest: Lets you see inside an enderchest.
/essentials: Reloads essentials.
/exp: Give, set or look at a players exp.
/ext: Extinguish players.
/feed: Satisfy the hunger.
/fly: Take off, and soar!
/fireball: Throw a fireball.
/firework: Allows you to modify a stack of fireworks.
/gamemode: Change player gamemode.
/gc: Reports memory, uptime and tick info.
/getpos: Get your current coordinates or those of a player.
/give: Give a player an item.
/god: Enables your godly powers.
/hat: Get some cool new headgear.
/heal: Heals you or the given player.
/help: Views a list of available commands.
/helpop: Message online admins.
/home: Teleport to your home.
/ignore: Ignore or unignore other players.
/info: Shows information set by the server owner.
/invsee: See the inventory of other players.
/item: Spawn an item.
/itemdb: Searches for an item.
/itemname: Names an item.
/jails: List all jails.
/jump: Jumps to the nearest block in the line of sight.
/kick: Kicks a specified player with a reason.
/kickall: Kicks all players off the server except the issuer.
/kill: Kills specified player.
/kit: Obtains the specified kit or views all available kits.
/kittycannon: Throw an exploding kitten at your opponent.
/lightning: The power of Thor. Strike at cursor or player.
/list: List all online players.
/mail: Manages inter-player, intra-server mail.
/me: Describes an action in the context of the player.
/more: Fills the item stack in hand to maximum size.
/motd: Views the Message Of The Day.
/msg: Sends a private message to the specified player.
/msgtoggle: Blocks receiving all private messages.
/mute: Mutes or unmutes a player.
/near: Lists the players near by or around a player.
/nick: Change your nickname or that of another player.
/nuke: May death rain upon them.
/pay: Pays another player from your balance.
/paytoggle: Toggles whether you are accepting payments.
/payconfirmtoggle: Toggles whether you are prompted to confirm payments.
/ping: Pong!
/potion: Adds custom potion effects to a potion.
/powertool: Assigns a command to the item in hand.
/powertooltoggle: Enables or disables all current powertools.
/ptime: Adjust player's client time. Add @ prefix to fix.
/pweather: Adjust a player's weather
/r: Quickly reply to the last player to message you.
/rtoggle: Change whether the recipient of the reply is last recipient or last sender
/realname: Displays the username of a user based on nick.
/recipe: Displays how to craft items.
/remove: Removes entities in your world.
/repair: Repairs the durability of one or all items.
/rules: Views the server rules.
/seen: Shows the last logout time of a player.
/sell: Sells the item currently in your hand.
/sethome: Set your home to your current location.
/setjail: Creates a jail where you specified named [jailname].
/setwarp: Creates a new warp.
/setworth: Set the sell value of an item.
/showkit: Show contents of a kit.
/skull: Set the owner of a player skull
/socialspy: Toggles if you can see msg/mail commands in chat.
/spawner: Change the mob type of a spawner.
/spawnmob: Spawns a mob.
/speed: Change your speed limits.
/sudo: Make another user perform a command.
/suicide: Causes you to perish.
/tempban: Temporary ban a user.
/thunder: Enable/disable thunder.
/time: Display/Change the world time. Defaults to current world.
/togglejail: Jails/Unjails a player, TPs them to the jail specified.
/top: Teleport to the highest block at your current position.
/tp: Teleport to a player.
/tpa: Request to teleport to the specified player.
/tpaall: Requests all players online to teleport to you.
/tpaccept: Accepts a teleport request.
/tpahere: Request that the specified player teleport to you.
/tpall: Teleport all online players to another player.
/tpauto: Automatically accept teleportation requests.
/tpacancel: Cancel all outstanding teleport requests. Specify [player] to cancel requests with them.
/tpdeny: Reject a teleport request.
/tphere: Teleport a player to you.
/tpo: Teleport override for tptoggle.
/tpohere: Teleport here override for tptoggle.
/tppos: Teleport to coordinates.
/tptoggle: Blocks all forms of teleportation.
/tree: Spawn a tree where you are looking.
/unban: Unbans the specified player.
/unbanip: Unbans the specified IP address.
/unlimited: Allows the unlimited placing of items.
/vanish: Hide yourself from other players.
/warp: List all warps or warp to the specified location.
/weather: Sets the weather.
/whois: Determine the username behind a nickname.
/workbench: Opens up a workbench.
/world: Switch between worlds.
/worth: Calculates the worth of items in hand or as specified.

EssentialsSpawn: Plugin Help: /help essentialsspawn
/setspawn: Sets the spawn point to your current position.
/spawn: Teleports to the spawn point.

Would you like to suggest an idea?
Post your suggestions here.
Report / How to Report
« Last post by Potzo on May 13, 2020, 10:43:44 »
Found a bug that you'd like to report?
Just make a new topic with all the info you can provide to us.

Report a player
Make a new topic called '[Player] <Nickname>' with the following info:

Date & time:
Reason: Hacking, Behavior, etc.

Report abuse
Make a new topic called '[Abuse] <Nickname>' with the following info:

Nickname (Check staff here):
Date & time:

You can always report abuse, hackers, or any annoyance in the Discord as well.


Get the games before 5/7/2020 at 5:00 PM

About Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Amnesia: The Dark Descent, a first person survival horror. A game about immersion, discovery and living through a nightmare. An experience that will chill you to the core.

Get Amnesia: The Dark Descent

About Crashlands
TIME Magazine Top 10 Games of 2016 Craft, battle, and quest your way through Crashlands, a story-driven Crafting ARPG overflowing with sass!

Get Crashlands
Announcements / [Steam] Total War: Shogun 2 (Free)
« Last post by Potzo on Apr 28, 2020, 10:16:50 »

Free to keep when you get it before 1 May @ 7:00pm

Get Total War: Shogun 2

About the game

In the darkest age of Japan, endless war leaves a country divided. It is the middle of the 16th Century in Feudal Japan. The country, once ruled by a unified government, is now split into many warring clans. Ten legendary warlords strive for supremacy as conspiracies and conflicts wither the empire. Only one will rise above all to win the heart of a nation as the new shogun...The others will die by his sword.
Take on the role of one Daimyo, the clan leader, and use military engagements, economics and diplomacy to achieve the ultimate goal: re-unite Japan under his supreme command and become the new Shogun – the undisputed ruler of a pacified nation.

Total War: SHOGUN 2 features enhanced full 3D battles via land and sea, which made a name for the series, as well as the tactical campaign map that many refer to as the heart and soul of Total War. Featuring a brand new AI system inspired by the scriptures that influenced Japanese warfare, the millennia old Chinese “Art of War”, the Creative Assembly brings the wisdom of Master Sun Tsu to Total War: SHOGUN 2. Analysing this ancient text enabled the Creative Assembly to implement easy to understand yet deep strategical gameplay.   

Game Features
  • CONQUER the islands of Japan in the 16th century. Lead vast armies of samurai and fleets of giant warships into breathtaking real-time battles.
  • BUILD your kingdom on the inviting and turn-based campaign map. Wield economic, political, and military power to amass wealth, armies, and influence.
  • SCHEME according to the "Art of War" by Sun Tzu. Use fire and siege tactics, spies and assassins to adapt to the ever-changing conditions on the battlefield and throughout your kingdom.
  • BATTLE ONLINE and experience the main campaign in two-player mode. Then join epic online battles with up to 8 players and lead your online army to glory in special campaigns.

New to Total War in SHOGUN 2
  • New RPG skills and experience for your Generals and Agents.
  • New Multi-stage Sieges - scaling the walls is only the beginning!
  • New Hero units inspire your men and carve through the enemy.
  • New rotating 3D campaign map.
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