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Author Topic: [Free] Dying Light: Bad Blood  (Read 4519 times)

Jan 29, 2020, 10:47:30
Read 4519 times



Dying Light: Bad Blood is now free to anyone who owns the original game.

Claim free Dying Light: Bad Blood

Dying Light: Bad Blood, the stand-alone battle royale take on Techland’s zombie survival horror game, is now free to anyone who owns the original Dying Light.

Owners of Dying Light — regardless of platform — can get a PC copy of Bad Blood through Steam at Techland’s docket site.

Bad Blood is a player-versus-player and player-versus-environment slice of combat, set in the Dying Light world, where parkour is a key gameplay component. Similar in style to battle royale games, players scavenge for weapons and loot before racing to an evacuation chopper which only has room for one passenger.

Bad Blood was originally launched as an early access PC game in September 2018, with a price of $19.99. This week, Techland said it wanted to make the game free on the fifth anniversary of the original game’s launch.

“With five years behind us, I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for the support, feedback, and faith you keep on giving us. We really couldn’t have hoped for a better community,” said CEO Paweł Marchewka. In the meantime, Techland is working on Dying Light 2, which was recently delayed.

Article via Polygon
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