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Author Topic: hello Admins  (Read 6356 times)

Dec 29, 2014, 22:20:58
Read 6356 times


Hello to all,
i´m Rohail i will only say this was my 1 server who i have play there was a lot of players but now not,  i will say why u don´t update to 1.4 version and add new scripts? i like this server and i will play again this server
I hope u listen me :)

Dec 30, 2014, 13:41:27
Reply #1


ewps, will try to update some time i have time. this could take yet another month though. sorry

Dec 31, 2014, 17:36:07
Reply #2


ah ok no problem only update :)

Jan 24, 2015, 20:48:07
Reply #3


when u will update ?

Feb 18, 2015, 20:17:40
Reply #4


Hello I would  just like say something,There was a post about 2 months ago saying you would update the server to MTA SA 1.4 this has not of yet happened. maybe you just don't have enough time and life gets in the way,i don't know. I have also noted a significant reduction in players over that time of when the update was released I would hate this server to go down just because of one update. I also think you are letting allot of people down,but yet again maybe life gets in the way i don't know.

I just hope you resolve this problem before it's too late because it takes a years to get a reputation like you had in 2012- 2013 your DM/race server was full almost every afternoon/Evening.

Thank you for reading this and i hope you respond this message.
« Last Edit: Feb 19, 2015, 16:32:44 by TopGear^ »