Jun 2, 2024, 06:32:08
Ownage Owls

Author Topic: Player Report : Afroo  (Read 7025 times)

Aug 14, 2013, 13:08:59
Reply #1


Yeah, alright. I've checked your screenshots.

The following screenshots are the ones I considered myself to be inappropriate:


Calling someone "nab" is hardly consdering flaming. You should know this yourself. It's not really offensive & you know it yourself.
You're just grasping for strings which arent there. It could be viewed as a bit immature by the masses... But really, I don't care.

For the sentences containing rape & retardation. That's some wording I think I'm safe to say that we all disagree with.
Sure, it's a bit more harsh. But it's hardly making him eligible for a ban.
Possibly a mute, but if there are no administrators, nor any moderators online; What would you suggest us to do?

A shout out to the people, that this type of wording is undesirable here at Ownage Owls, is not something that I should be saying.
It should be common sense & understood by each and everyone of you. Atleast if you've got more brains then a common tick.

Any offical warnings however I wont be dealing with here. It's non of your concerns, that matter is for the members of the Ownage Owls to take care of.

How ever, on a side note for you Danizz, I'm not sure why you're being so mad all the time?
You've been banned before, even to the previous ban you just recently got.
I've banned you before for a bad behaviour.
You've even been unbanned by myself, due to you apologizing. But this time I'm not even so sure that your ban should be lifted for a while.

If you're unsatisfied with your reply, you're either free to PM me, or continue the conversation here.


Aug 14, 2013, 13:12:02
Reply #2


If im been banned for insults , he should be too . Thats all for me . Its a normal player like us , its not a god (afroo) remember this -.-

Aug 14, 2013, 13:13:01
Reply #3


And anyway , im permanent banned , for insults like this on screenshots , so if im banned permanent  he should be too .

Aug 14, 2013, 13:22:02
Reply #4


And anyway , im permanent banned , for insults like this on screenshots , so if im banned permanent  he should be too .

Was what I just wrote incomprehensible to you?
Reread, re-reply. Thank you!
« Last Edit: Aug 14, 2013, 13:25:11 by Giraffen420 »

Aug 14, 2013, 13:51:23
Reply #5


to say the truth youre danizz the most annoying person i ever met, so youre trying to do everything so i get banned? wow just pathetic,maybe i over reacted at some situations but im sure you made me cuz you insulted first or something and you should be muted before i say anything for sure, soo you can all ask slip aso or someone who had a chance to play with such a weird person as daniz that he is annyoing,

althought im a person which learns from his own mistakes i will surely stop, not like you danizz.

all i had to say.
P.S. some screens are double, and danizz you provoke a lot i never had a need to insult anyone before i met you ;)
« Last Edit: Aug 14, 2013, 13:53:27 by Afroo^^ »

Aug 14, 2013, 15:10:15
Reply #6


If you can't take people insulting you then you shouldn't be playing video games online.

Aug 14, 2013, 16:26:54
Reply #7


cit. from matrix :P The best way to deal with people like that is to insult them back, using insults that eventually make them cry in self-disgust and shame, and eventually they'll go and jump off a bridge, and shit their pants on the way down.


Aug 14, 2013, 17:14:26
Reply #8


Who taught you all these words?
If your mom would hear this! She would be pissed off! You understand?
Now go to your bed!

Aug 14, 2013, 19:23:16
Reply #9


Matrix if what you tell is truth , why then im been banned for insults?  he should be too -.-