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Author Topic: KehAnet Abusing Mod-Powers  (Read 4867 times)

Aug 1, 2013, 17:46:40
Read 4867 times


Hello all,

i registered only because KehAnet.

He is such an annoying admin, because he kicks everyone who he want to, insults and do what he want.

I have no screens, but he kicked me because he couldn't ram me away, then he muted me 2 Hours because i said he was a noob....

What a admin is this?

i called him to come in TeamSpeak, he came but he wrote me: "Idiot, i mute u forever if u come online, u kid, lets talk kid". i said ok, Lets Talk. Come to my Room. But he goes offline.

What is this for an admin??? Kid-Admins or what?

Bytheway, i like your servers. They are awesome! But they need to be more polite admins, and no kids.



Edit: Here what he does if he got rammed in the water by me:

TheMrMeris's YouTube-Channel on: YouTube.com/TheMrMeris

Aug 1, 2013, 17:51:42
Reply #1


OmG kid.....
I kicked you BECAUSE U USED MY NİCK...<<
look at picture.
sly kid. ^^
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