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Author Topic: Negotiating table because of FOTL  (Read 52952 times)

Apr 13, 2011, 21:58:19
Reply #45


I know that Im the best MTA player you dont have to tell me. I kill those guys if they have mods or not (ask them, when I finished them they called me a modder LOL <- true story).

I didnt read all that shit but n1 alpha second page.

If you are so sure that you guys can beat them again, just ask for a rematch.

I cant remember what I wanted to say but if it comes back I will edit or post again.

btw. Why I aint in hall of fame? :S

Apr 13, 2011, 23:32:29
Reply #46

GnIDa Russian

I even am afraid to start to speak... I don't know from what to start to speak to me. I didn't want some all this big porridge, at least because it is very difficult to me to get into an essence of each new answer and correctly to understand him. But at me, it it turns out to do with some help, but spending time a great lot. To me it is a little heavy at physical level - it is possible so to say. But all these conversations take place to be and not public relations for the sake of, and to understand this situation for. I will write offers of small size that they would be clear, because of my English.

First of all, I want to tell thanks those who takes the part in frameworks of the given theme who quotes and makes comments, who goes deep into this incident. I repeatedly repeated it once again I will tell - I very strongly appreciate it, it is one of factors of my values, THANK YOU FROM HEART!!!! I won't list names, but all I think, understand, I speak about what persons now, consider, please, that I to you directly have addressed and have thanked. You help, replace me in a difficult situation for me on other language barrier.

All your answers very well supplement everything that I would like to tell, but at me it would turn out to explain worse it to you. It is the huge help to me. Such actions define the real good people and friends. And it in spite of the fact that we never saw personally. Truly, it has been mentioned! – we a clan of friends and the main thing not skills of game, and the main thing - «who you are? You from yourself represent what person?» . In our command there can be any person and his skills in game and activity in life can differ. For example, he can be on area with friends or with the girl in cafe, at factory at the machine tool or took from the father hummer, the patriot, or has left for a long time the country. I have understood it, when became a part of Owls and it is correct. I think, nobody will be minds, if I allocate Alpha. Even I will not think at once as to me better to say… What is the time you spend for the wise text, it is invaluable, it very much facilitates to me my thought and all that I think about it, but I can not express all in such accessible text. Separately I thank you, Thanks, Alpha.

Already on business.

I think, it is not necessary to quote much to me and to give answers as many answers have already been given by others in our discussion. It seems to me is will be a match for a bomb of conversations which have already been stated here and chewed in accessible language. Initially, the essence was that – despite of everything, without the visible powerful reasons, FOTL didn't want to play cw if in structure there will be I even if I will prove the case, time has gone on that conversation. Just creation of such theme has served as the reason of this paradox.

I quote myself from a screenshot: «I have since I started playing 6 month ago instead of cheetah is audi. Well, I’ll take tomorro»
These are my words! All is true. I explain, how personally I understand them - On the server someone has asked me, how many I play mta or when I have started to play mta. (Precisely any more I will not formulate a question, but that his essence) I have written that I play to this sphere about 6 months and that at present I have a model audi on cheetah. At present! Instead of 6 months all these. Can because of my English you not so have understood? At once I will tell - I don't try to find an excuse or to give a discount for knowledge of my English, what to justify myself and to calculate dates, I speak as is, differently I wouldn't create this theme.

I have started to play from the end of August, 2010, approximately so. And I then at all didn't know about fashions – me it didn't interest. More low, I apply screenshots from game which have remained. Press them for increase.

Here it is possible to define and see under some factors that screenshots have been made then, not now. Mill not in a command still, I too without a tag, am those, in the table of death who already isn't present in a command at present (AlbanianGuy, Flare). I think it enough.

Fashions on the car at me stood within approximately one and a half week, can a bit more, I precisely don't remember. He was put since February, 19th in my opinion, and for a while cw (on February, 27th), I put a file «GTA3.IMG» standard of the license version, without mod! I have an original gta and I am primary all contents I copied in other place that always it would be possible to restore quickly game at failures or to change a file in my case, on the given example. Then I again for some days have put the «GTA3.IMG» which with AUDI and in my opinion on March, 12th have completely cleaned him. In CW there was no it! Has made screenshots of two different directories. If explanations as I could combine license gta STEAM with mta be required, speak – I will answer. Low already knows.

Tails, Eddy, Louis, Flare, I have understood your thought. I think, you understand, for what reason this theme was created. I have above written about it. The theme was created from an empty place if to look, in general. And the decision of this nuance exists. Excuse for a tautology.

Simply I consider – pointing a finger at someone, it is necessary to look attentively, whether wasn't present under a dirt nail. Into the account it will be accepted by those is to whom it concerns.

If any fragment of my text is not clear – I will make other interpretation, only tell. I don't want, what in what be a place, expression of my words sounded roughly because of my English. It is better to ask again, than to misunderstand me.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 14:40:03 by GnIDa Russian »
Gnida's Notes      Last modified August 6, 2012

Apr 14, 2011, 00:44:29
Reply #47


I think, nobody will be minds, if I allocate Alpha. Even I will not think at once as to me better to say… What is the time you spend for the wise text, it is invaluable, it very much facilitates to me my thought and all that I think about it, but I can not express all in such accessible text. Separately I thank you, Thanks, Alpha.
I was more than happy to do it, don't worry about it, thank you for the kind words.

Apr 22, 2011, 22:53:53
Reply #48


Oh this topic is unlocked, well once again let me make some things clear
- I never said that Gnida used mods to win on purpose
- what I knew was that gnida lagged harder than server lags or normal lags, when he said he uses mods my thoughts were like "thats the reason of lagging", thats why I reported him in the tournament, stop talking about our knowledge of mods, we wouldn't say he used mods if he didn't say so
- no we wouldn't quit just because he is in
- when you said before in this topic that he stopped using mods or whatever, I told Punkd' thats its okay for us if he played as long as he doesn't lag
I'm not trying to start any argues, just because some of you say we accused him by using mods to win, and no one did so
And excuse me Alpha for not reading your speech.
And lastly I wish you good luck in the tournament

Apr 23, 2011, 01:20:52
Reply #49


And excuse me Alpha for not reading your speech.
Then anything you bring to the table is null and void.

And lastly I wish you good luck in the tournament

Apr 24, 2011, 17:27:08
Reply #50

GnIDa Russian

- no we wouldn't quit just because he is in
Why was not immediately put it on the table? It turns out, EXO team was against my participation in that moment when they (EXO) and had the opportunity to have clung to your decision - (Decision of your team, FOTL). A view your team (FOTL) was negative about me at the moment because of some false facts from the EXO. But this lasted not long. Looks like - EXO think so> «FOTL against Gnida, well, we also simply do not approve it." And this from the EXO does not argumentative explained.
We have to understand it all and spend some time on this nonsense. Yet due to such topics are unnecessary stereotypes about me. I have a very good ping, and fps is also, like many players. And never, no one had any problems with me and never complained. Is that the haters, but this is normal for online games.

- what I knew was that gnida lagged harder than server lags or normal lags, when he said he uses mods my thoughts were like "thats the reason of lagging", thats why I reported him in the tournament, stop talking about our knowledge of mods, we wouldn't say he used mods if he didn't say so
It does not seem suspicious, if it is to write at the time of loss? It looks very strange when you consider a few facts ... Note on the mod I spoke later, on another server. If you have not read, be kind enough to spend some time and read my previous post with screenshots and some explanations.
By the way, is there something immoral, if a person has a place - where he always will be able to copy a clean «GTA3.IMG»? I think not. It is possible to say if anyone who sooner or later, once put "mod" and laid out a screenshot. But it is - a very silly, do any restrictions that have no evidence at the moment and though this can easily be checked without too much trouble. I did not say so, Louis? Just all these conversations at the curb - not worth wasting time, but have a place to be, alas. It's like on the edge of a village farted, and on the other side said that the thunder roared.
Gnida's Notes      Last modified August 6, 2012

Jun 5, 2011, 04:01:40
Reply #51


Uggly carmod but i like DD maps.
My dream is your nightmare