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Author Topic: Why can't I post a topic?  (Read 9147 times)

Oct 8, 2009, 14:16:09
Read 9147 times


A simple explanation is at the bottom, though the following is recommended reading as it gives some insight.

After receiving many applications, we noticed a lot would be posted and then we would never hear from the person again.
We are also currently a fairly large clan, so we came up with some changes.

You cannot post a topic, that means, you cannot apply through here.
So how do you apply?
Find our members ingame and get to know them.
No, you don't have to be their best friend, but if you ask us if you can join and noone has a clue who you are, chances are you'll be rejected.

To get the actual permission to apply, find one of our leaders ingame, our members can direct you to us if needed.
Alternatively, PM us on the forum (names below, remove the [O.o] tag) and we will get back to you.
The leaders you can talk to are: [O.o]Alpha, [O.o]ToMo and [O.o]Mdbelen.
Ask about joining the clan, if we know you and think you're a nice player, you're given permission to post your application.
This seems like just twice the work, but by having all applications in writing on here, we create one place where everyone can find the info of members.
Also, by using the invitation method, we make sure you at least get to know the leaders, we've had many applicants we thought were inactive, but we simply had no idea where they were playing.

Long story short, you have to be invited.
To get the invitation, ask one of our leaders ingame or here on the forum.
Leaders are: [O.o]Alpha, [O.o]ToMo and [O.o]Mdbelen.
« Last Edit: Mar 1, 2011, 21:44:35 by ToMo »