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Ownage Owls

Author Topic: Negotiating table because of FOTL  (Read 53010 times)

Apr 11, 2011, 21:51:52
Read 53010 times

GnIDa Russian

Good day! Hence, once on the subject will speak. Today I have been told that you (FOTL) want to beat the cw, but do not want what I would have attended there, you have argued is that supposedly I have a mod installed on the "cheetah" as audi. You are likely to rely on this screenshot (I will spare him from the bottom)
In order, in the first place - I did not hide and when someone I have one of your asked - I answered as it was in fact that I changed for some time model. Second, it is not used it on cw with any teams. Model has been changed somewhere around one and a half weeks and then returned to the good old cheetah. Screenshot - it's your argument? They are not backed by anything serious, and your attitude to it does not seem to adults.

We are not averse to re-play cw with you, but what to think, to try to catch hold of anything superfluous to me was not in the first team?
This is not adult behavior, it is plain hatred :)
In any case, if you're not sure of me, you think that I deceive you, then during the beginning of cw, I'll make a screenshot and not leaving the server will throw a link to it in the chat and we will see :) It's simple as two fingers mess . As you can see - to find a solution was easy, and these unfounded claims make you think that you just have a fear of playing with us cw if I'm in the team and it's absurd and wrong. Why hold this paradox? I'm not to understand, it looks a little pathetic.

Let's just, you do not show pride and we are to adequately discuss this point in a particular subject, okay? If something is unclear, ask again please. I look forward to the adequacy of your hand.

Click to enlarge

I hope all the points I have laid, though here and think nothing happened. Want to check? check, but not an ounce of not weighing the claim for me to exaggerate about your team. Give me a reason to question my right!?

p.s. reference to the topic will be posted to him on the forum.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 14:23:24 by GnIDa Russian »
Gnida's Notes      Last modified August 6, 2012

Apr 12, 2011, 00:13:19
Reply #1


Inactive Owl
To be quite honest the fact they made all this huge fuss over a stupid car mod is DUMB.. its a car mod, it doesn't harm anyone i just think maybe their upset because they lost .. but i do not want to gloat, Gnida you don't have to worry i will not play if you're not allowed as i shall stand by fellow Owls! especially in times of stupidness and pathetic(ness) << if thats even a word !
Welcome to the wonderful world that is Ownage Owls, we welcome you into our aviary and you may do as you please. but we must ask you do not steal the food, as ToMo will get extremely angry.

Apr 12, 2011, 13:45:35
Reply #2


flare played that  cw??? cos i know from my sources that he has car-mods too. do you get some advantage or your car is maybe faster with that mods?
It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving FORWARD!

Apr 12, 2011, 15:17:36
Reply #3


It will only change the skin,but if you put a bigger skin like a bus,youll start bouncing other players while you push them.

Apr 12, 2011, 15:56:45
Reply #4


Car mods will actully help you in DD wont they? i thought they was cheap to have
Im just ME

Apr 12, 2011, 17:37:43
Reply #5


Don't speak unless you know what you're talking about, otherwise you're simply contributing to the rumors that feed their trashtalk.

A car modification is composed of several parts, the basic ones being: a TXD file for the texture, a DFF file for the visual  model, a COL file for the collision (physical) model and changes to handling.cfg (all data regarding driving) and vehicles.ide (data regarding wheel size and ground clearance).
A more complex modification may alter more files, but I will keep this simple.
The bright ones amongst you may have noticed by now that you cannot look at any picture of a modified car and claim that the person has an unfair advantage, it is simply not possible to generalise like that.

Changes to the handling.cfg and vehicles.ide files will be blocked by the MTA anticheat, there is probably a hack to get these changes working, but that is an entirely different accusation towards GnIDa; one I will happily put my head on the line for, he does not cheat.

The TXD and DFF files are entirely visual and do not change any behaviour of the vehicle ingame, you could replace these two files from the Cheetah with those of the AT-400 and it would change diddly squat.
If you were to do this, you would still drive around with the handling, collision and behaviour of the Cheetah and other players would be none the wiser, they would see you as a Cheetah and you would react to any interaction just like a Cheetah would, the only difference is you would be seeing a massive plane, meaning you would likely have no clue as to when you were going to get hit; purely an advantage for everyone else.

That leaves the COL file, which I am not sure the anticheat checks.
Editing the COL file is of course not allowed and could gain you an unfair advantage (or it could do the exact opposite), but again, unless you know what you're talking about, don't spread rumors.
Rotten, what you have said is entirely untrue and is not what would happen were one to modify the collision of the car.
The two things you could do is increase or decrease the size of the collision object.
If you were to increase it, you'd put yourself at a huge disadvantage, as you would be thrown away by other players ramming you before they had even touched you on their screen.
This means that they wouldn't take any damage and wouldn't have any impact on their own car (as long as you aren't lagging too much) and if you tried to drive towards them, you would be instantly stopped when you touched them on your screen, as on their screen you woudn't have touched them.
Do the opposite and you would gain your advantage, as when players hit you on their screen and stop dead in their tracks, there wouldn't have been any impact on your screen and if you were to drive towards them, they would be mercilessly pushed along as there would be no obstacle to grant you any resistance on your screen.

So, to get to the point, you cannot modify the handling or vehicle file and TXD and DFF modifications are purely visual and make no change to the ingame behaviour of the car, but you are not allowed to edit the collision.
Even if he did modify the COL file, not knowing what it did, you can clearly see that the dimensions of the car are near identical to the Cheetah, the difference would have to be measured in quarters of an inch and with his ping, a change this minimal would make zero difference to actual gameplay.
Though with that said, I am quite sure that all there was to his mod was a TXD and DFF file, meaning it makes absolutely no difference to anything or anyone, except provide him with a fresh look for the car.

It's not the first time GnIDa is accused of foul play, likely because he's just that  good, so here's something for you to ponder:
If he really was using this modification to gain an unfair advantage, do you think he would take a picture of it and upload it for everyone to see?
Irregardless of what you may think of him based solely on his English, GnIDa is not stupid, and thinking that he would do something this idiotic is nothing but an insult to him, so well done on that one.
If that isn't enough for you, think about when this became an issue, was it when he was playing with this modification? No.
It was only after the picture was posted, meaning there was never even a problem to begin with.
This is nothing but a bunch of sour, immature losers (in the sense that they have likely lost to GnIDa in a match) deciding to try and brew up a shitstorm, because if you can't beat the best, you can always try to convince everyone that they're cheating to mend the damages to your little e-penis.

QED motherfuckers, now sit down, shut up and eat your waffles.

Oh and for those who were a part of this pathetic crusade, I would just like to add insult to the injury I caused by just stomping on your face:
That's a mighty fine car you've got there, Flare.
« Last Edit: Apr 12, 2011, 17:52:16 by Alpha »

Apr 12, 2011, 17:56:13
Reply #6

GnIDa Russian

Comment on every thought.

To be quite honest the fact they made all this huge fuss over a stupid car mod is DUMB.. its a car mod, it doesn't harm anyone i just think maybe their upset because they lost .. but i do not want to gloat, Gnida you don't have to worry i will not play if you're not allowed as i shall stand by fellow Owls! especially in times of stupidness and pathetic(ness) << if thats even a word !
Indeed, from the outside it looks like the anger of losing and eagerness to take revenge, clinging to every speck of dust. After a fight with his fists is not waving, but once FOTL brought this topic - I offered to sort out. Shad, thanks for the support, it is wise! :)
flare played that  cw??? cos i know from my sources that he has car-mods too. do you get some advantage or your car is maybe faster with that mods?
Yes Starac, he also took part (Flare). Model of the machine may not operate correctly if it is not correct (large), for example, if the cheetah put limousine. I put the audi which is identical to the standard size - cheetah. This was checked in the file "TXD". And then I went to the server and no one ever complained because I did not lag. And I'm not trying to justify it, I'm stating a fact for FOTL. Once again, during the cw mode was not - is the key word. He stood for a short time.
It will only change the skin,but if you put a bigger skin like a bus,youll start bouncing other players while you push them.
All right! Above I have just explained this point. See my next reply.

I do not understand these baseless accusations, if they are not out of resentment and anger for the loss.

Link to this topic, Tomo put them on the forum.

p.s. While I answered, a new post, now acquainted.
« Last Edit: Apr 12, 2011, 19:04:59 by GnIDa Russian »
Gnida's Notes      Last modified August 6, 2012

Apr 12, 2011, 18:00:12
Reply #7


In any case, if you're not sure of me, you think that I deceive you, then during the beginning of cw, I'll make a screenshot and not leaving the server will throw a link to it in the chat and we will see :) It's simple as two fingers mess . As you can see - to find a solution was easy, and these unfounded claims make you think that you just have a fear of playing with us cw if I'm in the team and it's absurd and wrong. Why hold this paradox? I'm not to understand, it looks a little pathetic.

I have to say, that's a good idea, taking a screenshot while staying on their server without disconnecting. And then upload it.
They want him out of this competition because they know how good Gnida is.

Hell, that screenshot is even on our gallery! If he had the mod still, I would remove that picture from gallery, but really it isn't big of a deal, others are cooking this big mess..
At first, Shadow convinced me to not be on COTC, he had a good point.
Just because we are untrusted, we do CARE about our members unlike others.

eXo isn't taking a host advantage of this, you should be the one who's gonna decide.
If some clans refuse or they have their own principles, f*ck em! (Sorry to say, but this is true.)
You started this COTC, take advantage and decisions only to yourself.

Maybe we do have to defend our first year of COTC. We will see how this will go
« Last Edit: Apr 12, 2011, 18:19:58 by ToMo »
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Apr 12, 2011, 18:19:55
Reply #8


Inactive Owl
Once again alpha the philosophical owl of us all has spoken, as both him, GniDa and Tomo have said this is obviously just an attempt at stopping probably the best one out of all of playing in the COTC.

I suggest you all think about what you're really trying to do and what a bad name this gives to you espcially FOTL .. You may have over 150 members, but that doesn't mean shit when your so scared of 1 partiuclar person that you feel you must make up lies.
Welcome to the wonderful world that is Ownage Owls, we welcome you into our aviary and you may do as you please. but we must ask you do not steal the food, as ToMo will get extremely angry.

Apr 12, 2011, 19:02:51
Reply #9

GnIDa Russian

Don't speak unless you know what you're talking about, otherwise you're simply contributing to the rumors that feed their trashtalk.

A car modification is composed of several parts, the basic ones being: a TXD file for the texture, a DFF file... (Copied the part that had not been a large volume.)
Alpha, I carefully read your speech. Firstly thanks for taking the time to it! I would be very difficult to explain because my English all the possible and impossible actions to internal files - "handling.cfg and vehicles.ide, TXD, DFF". I do not have to write a whole article about the internal files gta, since you all captures are very clear and very accessible. You rescued me greatly, thank you from the heart! I appreciate it.

It will only change the skin,but if you put a bigger skin like a bus,youll start bouncing other players while you push them.
Rotten, maybe I misunderstood you in this proposal, judging by the response Alpha.
Rotten, what you have said is entirely untrue and is not what would happen were one to modify the collision of the car.
Do not know, I'm afraid to understand properly again, you will not comment Rotten'a.

Just because we are untrusted, we do CARE about our members unlike others.
This is very much appreciated, thanks!
I suggest you all think about what you're really trying to do and what a bad name this gives to you espcially FOTL .. You may have over 150 members, but that doesn't mean shit when your so scared of 1 partiuclar person that you feel you must make up lies.
Very true noticed it was you. The entire situation can be seen with your eyes closed. Why do they (FOTL) do not possess the principle - "after a fight with his fists is not waving? Why obrytnye principles and insignificant, stupid?

p.s. Previous my post a little bit fixed.
« Last Edit: Apr 12, 2011, 19:12:13 by GnIDa Russian »
Gnida's Notes      Last modified August 6, 2012

Apr 12, 2011, 22:08:27
Reply #10


Honestly, I didn't get a word from your first post, Gnida, I can't understand Google translator
We're not making any excuses, I just reported that this member used mods before, and I didn't make this up, you said it yourself
I don't have any problem playing against you if you don't have mods, maybe you couldn't see yourself back in the clanwar
And by the way, I know we did play badly in our clanwar, we didn't have our best players, and server lagged hardly, and these were the main reasons, but that doesn't change the fact that Gnida's mods made him really hard like a rock, believe it or not..
I don't see why are you being that agressive, and again, if you stopped using mods, and if you're not lagging like that time, I don't mind you playing in the tournament,  but don't deny that you did use before.
One more thing, we're not "talking about stuff that we don't know" like you say, I only know that Gnida was lagging hardly, and he was very hard in that war, untill I found out he uses mods, thats why I thought that was the reason
« Last Edit: Apr 12, 2011, 22:18:47 by Louis »

Apr 12, 2011, 22:17:55
Reply #11


Wait a second, who denied the usage of mod?!
Also, on that clanwar, Gnida wasn't lagging at all. I don't know what you saw.
Who was the one trying to solve ping issues at start?
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Apr 12, 2011, 22:21:28
Reply #12


Wait a second, who denied the usage of mod?!
Also, on that clanwar, Gnida wasn't lagging at all. I don't know what you saw.
Who was the one trying to solve ping issues at start?
I asked him to deny it, because its well known that mods usually cause lag
You wouldn't see him lagging, we're the one who were trying to push him, I don't have ways to prove it so believe it or not, he did lag hardly..
And yes, you complained about my ping and I fixed it, but what does that have to do with anything

Apr 12, 2011, 22:54:38
Reply #13


Inactive Owl
Honestly, I didn't get a word from your first post, Gnida, I can't understand Google translator
We're not making any excuses, I just reported that this member used mods before, and I didn't make this up, you said it yourself
I don't have any problem playing against you if you don't have mods, maybe you couldn't see yourself back in the clanwar
And by the way, I know we did play badly in our clanwar, we didn't have our best players, and server lagged hardly, and these were the main reasons, but that doesn't change the fact that Gnida's mods made him really hard like a rock, believe it or not..
I don't see why are you being that agressive, and again, if you stopped using mods, and if you're not lagging like that time, I don't mind you playing in the tournament,  but don't deny that you did use before.
One more thing, we're not "talking about stuff that we don't know" like you say, I only know that Gnida was lagging hardly, and he was very hard in that war, untill I found out he uses mods, thats why I thought that was the reason

Once again FOTL guys come in here and talk rubbish.. You claim there that you only lost because the server lagged and you had shitty players .. get you best players and please come back to us on any server of your choice!

Also please don't insult my dear friend Gnida with this 'Google Translator' shit, he trys his best to learn english and i'm sure you being egyptian and all you were the same one day, you wasn't just born knowing english ignorant fuck.

I'm 100% sure that Gnida did not edit any of his files apart from the .dff and .txd which would mean that he wasn't 'hard as rock' and GniDa may lag but you cannot stop him from playing you should compenstate and find a better server for him to play on, just because he is stiuated in Russia doesn't mean he should be singled out and told he cannot play because you guys cannot beat us any other way .

Finally i think all of your acusations and arguements are bogus and un-true at the end of the day it is very very obvious that your either small children or that your jelous of that fact we destoryed you in the clan war. I don't mean to be rude about it using the word 'destroyed' but that is what happend.

Welcome to the wonderful world that is Ownage Owls, we welcome you into our aviary and you may do as you please. but we must ask you do not steal the food, as ToMo will get extremely angry.

Apr 12, 2011, 23:03:07
Reply #14


And you just called the members who played in that clanwar bad. How should they feel now? It's clan where you're in
4ever, xatex, Louis, Council (First one played Flare instead of Louis)

We won the first round with all owls alive, it wasn't only gnida playing against you, you know..
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