Jun 1, 2024, 08:18:10
Ownage Owls

Author Topic: New Teamspeak Information  (Read 10011 times)

Mar 27, 2011, 16:34:25
Read 10011 times


Inactive Owl
Well as our last teamspeak server seemed to have some issues and they decided to add a password to the server. I decided to contact an old friend of mine and we now have our own teamspeak server with 1000 slots if we chose to ever use them :P

Information :

IP :
Port : 9987

Use it wisely :)

PS : ToMo will update the information on main page soon.
Welcome to the wonderful world that is Ownage Owls, we welcome you into our aviary and you may do as you please. but we must ask you do not steal the food, as ToMo will get extremely angry.